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Gameplay Mechanic a Month: Moving In Sync

Month 2 - February 2013

Icon for Together In Love Game

Mechanic Description:

Two players must navigate a world using their own set of controls. However, players can only take action in the game if their player icons are close together. That is, players need to cooperate to decide which direction to go next so they can move in sync.

Playable in the following game:

Together in Love


Windows, Mac, Linux, Web



Game Description:

A game about love where two hearts beat as one. Work closely together with a partner to build a song. This is a simple two player game where both of you must move together to collect birds in the sky. You cannot collect birds if you are not close to the other player and the song of dischord will play. Each bird represents a different musical instrument and as you collect more of an particular instrument, its music contributes more to the overall song. Once you have collected everything, the game will finish and the finale will play.


Start Screen

Start screen

Simple instructions on the starting page.

Finding Each Other

Singing in Denial

The player icons are half hearts and begin far away from each other.

Moving In Sync

Singing in Reality

When you find your other half, you combine to make one heart that you both move around the screen.

Falling Apart

End game screen

If you move too far away from your partner, your heart will break back into two separate halves.

Gameplay Instructions:

  1. Find the version that suits you below and install if necessary.
  2. Find a friend or lover to play the game with.
  3. Start the game following the on-screen instructions.
  4. Each player should use their controls to get their icon close to the other person.
  5. When you are close together, you can collect birds together. If you move away from each other, you won't be able to do anything until you join together.
  6. As you collect birds, the strands of the song for each instrument will increase in volume.
  7. Once you have collected all the birds, the finale track will get trigered to play.
  8. Enjoy!


The game is available on a number of different platforms:

Other Comments and Considerations:

I completed this game as part of the 2013 Global Game Jam where the theme was the sound of a heart beating. My team mate was Corrie Gripenstraw. Music was composed and performed by Alexis Ravenswood and additional coding support was by Alex Peake. Game design inspired by Flower by thatgamecompany.


An analysis of the gameplay mechanic written by me in March 2015.

This game is probably what got me really started on making games to give me hugs. It was January, although 2012 hadn’t been a bad year, I wanted 2013 to be better. I felt a bit down and a bit lonely. I really just wanted a hug. So I decided to make a game about that. I liked doing that so much, I ended up making this my core theme in games I make.

What Went Right:        

What Went Wrong:        

Hug Rating:
3 hugs

A cute and simple game jam game, but it doesn’t have much more potential to use the mechanic widely or excessively.

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